When I’ve
had an especially stressful day,
relaxing in a nice warm bath is the most wonderful way to ease my mind and wash
away worries and put problems aside, for at least a little while. No matter
what has happened with students or other concerns in my life, I doubt that I
will ever experience the stress the pilots of WW II faced during each mission.
Not only did they have to fly for hours in formations so
close that their wing tips almost touched, they had to accurately drop their
payload while flying through skies black with gun powder from exploding
shrapnel. In addition, in the back of their minds was always the knowlege that
the lives of their twelve or more crewmen were in their hands. Even after a
succesful bomb run, the return flight of the seven and eight hour missions could
be extremely dangerous, as the pilots were often nursing badly wounded birds
back to base.
Uncle Ben and other pilots stationed in sunny Italy had only freezing showers
in which to relax and wash away stress. For that reason, Ben had an aversion to
showers. Next to God, Margie, and country, playing cards was probably his
greatest love. Not until fellow crewmen refused to play any more cards with him
that Ben showered after a 29 day stint avoiding it. His mother, my Grandma Anna would have been appalled.
That seems
so ironic to me because this uncle always seemed the epitome of the gentleman But,
I don’t blame him. I can’t think of many things less relaxing than taking a
shower in icy cold mountain water, especially when it is cold outside. Just
another reason to appreciate all that the Vets did for us, and to thank God daily
for the conveniences that are so easy for us to take for granted, like bathroom
facilities and warm water.
Thanks, Gerri, for the timely reminder. Your vivid detail helps bring this snapshot to life.