On April 1st, 1940
the British Minister of Food announces Dig for Victory campaign to
encourage growing food at home.
Reading that note reminded me of my parents’ garden.
They would have laughed at the idea someone had to suggest growing a garden.
They would also have laughed at how clean the gardener on the poster looked. When
we came from the garden, we used to be covered w/ dust that had caked onto the
sweat running down our faces and arms. (If it wasn’t blowing dust, it was dirt
from the broken, rock-hard clods our brothers threw while they were supposed to
be helping weed or harvest something.
They knew after hitting one of us girls hard enough, we would scream for
them all to get out of the garden.
Even with little help from those demons, I know our garden had to have been one of the
largest in Sedgwick Cnty---Kansas. I
wasn’t born until after the War, but we still cultivated the huge plot my
grandparents had previously. In it we grew enough to feed our family of 14
(eventually) and half the neighbors thru the winter---and Mom practically gave the
produce away. We picked bushel after
bushel of green beans and had to pile at least another ¼ bushel on top. . . “because
they’ll settle by the time folks get them home and we don’t want anyone to feel
we cheated them.” We charged $1.00 a bushel ---if the people could afford
it. The $$$ was put in a jar for new
shoes and clothes for school.
Mom was pregnant so much of the time she
worked in the garden---had 4 Dec. babies/ 1 November/ 1 October/ 2 August &
1 July. Can you imagine bending over
rows of vegetables w/ a “big belly” as she always said, in the heat of the
summer! No wonder she was “a little
cranky” at times!!! Then we had to
prepare and can all that “shit”. We all
cussed those vegetables all summer, “but
they will taste mighty good this winter!”
was Mom’s constant admonition.
Unfortunately, I don’t
have a picture of Mom working in the garden. That is sad because she spent so much time there. My mother passed away five years ago today---April Fools Day. We all said that the day spoke volumes about her sense of humor until the end.
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